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    Introducing Basis Theory Labs

    introducing Basis Theory labs

    At Basis Theory, we find “building in public” and open-source to provide some of the best feedback loops for our product. It’s why we’ve opened and shared our Azure Keyvault Emulator, developer portal, API Reference documentation, and many other public repositories.

    Today, we kick it up a notch with Basis Theory Labs

    The concept for Basis Theory Labs came out of our first company-wide hackathon during our in-person gathering this past March. During the two-day event, we built tools that demonstrated or made it easier to use Basis Theory’s platform. Of course, not all were (or will ever be) integrated into the platform, so we decided to create a space to showcase these and other apps, sample repositories, partner integrations, etc. built by our community or us. 

    So check out the Labs section of our documentation, jump right into the Basis Theory Labs Github Organization code, or let us know what you’d like to see or build in our community Slack

    Is Basis Theory Labs safe?

    First and foremost, Basis Theory stores all data within its PCI Level 1 and SOC 2 compliant systems. Tokens, which are undecipherable values, reference the underlying value but never contain it. All this to say that the security of your data at rest will not be affected by Lab projects.

    Second, these projects represent working concepts and have not undergone our rigorous testing strategies and standards of our production environment. While they’re not supported today, we’d love to learn more about your use case and the value it provides.

    What makes up Basis Theory Labs?

    We’ll continue to iterate on what makes a Labs project eligible. But, for now, we’ve defined two themes: Developer experience and demonstrable applications of the Basis Theory platform.

    Solving Developer Experience 

    During our general release in April, we introduced the concept that Data Security is a Developer Service Problem. Naturally, this influences everything we do at Basis Theory. 

    With this in mind, it’s no surprise that our first two projects simplified the ability to protect data where it is today—that means using the tooling and libraries you use in your applications today.

    Basis Theory and Ansible

    Ansible Plug-in

    Storing secrets to use in a CI/CD pipeline can be painful, hard to keep secure, and even more challenging to scale within your organization. So we built an Ansible Lookup Plugin that simplifies the ability to store and retrieve operational secrets from tokens stored with Basis Theory.

         See sample code and app in Basis Theory Labs

         Learn more about the plug-in on our blog, Centralizing Operational Secrets with Ansible

    ORM tokenization

    ORM Tokenization for Entity Framework

    Encryption solutions rarely integrate nicely into your existing Object Relational Mapping (ORM) libraries. With just five lines of code, this project allows developers to secure data in their Entity Framework applications. Just wire it up, annotate any field with [Tokenized], and let your data automatically protect itself at-rest. 

       See sample code and app in Basis Theory Labs

       Learn more in our blog, Secure Sensitive Data in Five Lines of Code

    Demonstrating ingenious applications of Basis Theory

    “Data security” is often used to shut down new side-projects, product features, or applications your mom wants you to build. We built Basis Theory so anyone can innovate using sensitive data. (Call your mom. She worries.) 

    We hope Basis Theory Labs will highlight the new opportunities sensitive data creates when you make high-risk data safely and compliantly usable.

    sendsecurely screenshot

    Have you ever needed to share your bank account information with your accountant? Or had a sibling ask you for your streaming service password? The problem is that traditional communication channels—such as SMS, email, or other chat apps—leave behind an easily exploitable digital footprint. solves this problem by allowing you to share a secret securely. Once viewed or expired, the original message will be deleted—forever.

         Try it yourself at

         See sample code and app in Basis Theory Labs

         Learn more in our blog, Introducing—a free and safe way to share your secrets

    We will keep building in the open

    Putting great data security within reach of all developers means giving back to all of the communities that have given so much to us over the years. We’d love to collaborate with you on any of the ideas you have, or if you have existing open-source projects you’d like to post on Basis Theory Labs, we’d love to hear about them on our community Slack.

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