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    July 2023 Changelog

    July 2023 product changelog

    Summer is in full swing, and in July our team focused on bringing our mission to life for our customers. At Basis Theory, we believe that developing products with sensitive data should be as simple and straightforward as everyday web development. To achieve this goal, we added CLI functionality, integrated AI into our documentation, and developed a new SDK for React Native developers.

    Let's take a peek at these updates and see how they are making our customers' lives easier.

    Basis Theory CLI: A New Way to Deploy Code and Debug Logs

    The new Basis Theory CLI makes it easier to deploy code and debug logs. With the CLI, you can deploy code to Basis Theory proxies and reactors with a single command. You can also follow logs in your terminal, making it easier to debug directly in your workspace.

    The CLI improves workflow and productivity by reducing integration time and increasing transparency when getting code up and running. Here are some of the benefits of using the CLI:

    Here are some of the commands you can use with the CLI:

    • bt proxies create: Creates a new proxy.
    • bt proxies update: Updates an existing proxy.
    • bt proxies logs: Displays the logs for a proxy.
    • bt proxies allows you to list proxies
    • bt reactors allows you to list reactors
    • bt reactorFormulas lists formulas
    • bt reactorFormulas update allows you to update an exiting formula
    • bt reactors logs: Displays the logs for a reactor.

    Reactor logging is an invite-only feature, so please reach out to us and we’d be happy to enable this feature and receive feedback as we continue developing this functionality out.

    For more information, please see the Github Readme documentation.

    AI everything!

    Well, actually just our documentation. We’re leveraging AI from Kapa.AI to enhance the value of our documentation. With Kapa, you can ask questions, input code examples, or request clarification, and it will query all the information within our guides, docs, and API references to assist you. Our team frequently relies on Kapa to provide answers and improve clarity.

    Here's a brief demonstration of its capabilities:


    We’ve been following the questions and answers to learn how to improve our documentation and simplify workflows.

    You can find Kapa.AI on the bottom right of our docs or integrated into our support channel in Slack. If something is unclear, feel free to reach out, and we'll assist as Kapa.AI continues to learn.

    Compliance Genie

    We also introduced Compliance Genie, a tool designed to provide immediate, precise, and helpful insights into payment regulations, beginning with the network rules of Mastercard and Visa.

    Compliance Genie takes 1,000+ page rulebooks and offers you a prompt to more easily find the information that’s relevant to you. Powered again by Kapa, Compliance Genie:

    • Is tailored for payment professionals
    • Has unwavering accuracy
    • Give you around-the-clock assistance, in your language
    • And is learning and growing with you

    Try out Compliance Genie today and let us know what you think. As always we're excited to hear your feedback and continuously improve this tool to better serve your needs

    React Native SDK

    Alas, an official React Native SDK. We will be replacing our RN bridge with a full React Native SDK. In July, we’ve exposed the ability to Reveal credit cards to enable issuing use cases, and during the month of August we will be supporting RN collect as well. Check out our newly revised Display Cards guide for React Native code Examples.

    Other updates and bug fixes

    • [API] Increased proxy/reactors configuration length
    • [API] Reduced the average response time from our API
    • [Elements] prevent infinite loop and throw proper error msg if ‘bt’ script is blocked.
    • [MFA] Ability to turn off MFA for an account
    • [MFA] Regenerate backup codes when needed
    • [MFA] Ability to manage MFA directly in the new profile section in the portal.

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